Weight Tracker and Calorie Analysis

Last updated Feb. 25, 2019, 7:09 p.m. by Author

Tags: nutrition gym health fitness

Attached to this post you will find a spreadsheet that allows you to track your weight on a weekly basis (it is possible to adjust it to a whatever basis, but it is recommended to track your weight on a weekly basis) together with some additional features.

The spreadsheet is provided in two formats - proprietary Excel's .xlsx file and the open source .ods file. Both of them should work fine in MS Excel and LibreOffice Calc.

To start using it, you need to provide it with some basic inputs (light yellow):
- gender
- height in cm
- starting age

Later, you will need to enter three values each week (light yellow):
1. Aim - this is what you want to achieve through your dieting and training. There are three options to choose from: bulking, maintaining and cutting.
2. Activity level - there are five options to choose from. Each one determines your daily caloric needs as a multiple of your Resting Metabolic Rate.
- 1.2 = sedentary (little or no exercise)
- 1.375 = lightly active (light exercise/sports 1–3 days/week)
- 1.55 = moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3–5 days/week)
- 1.725 = very active (hard exercise/sports 6–7 days a week)
- 1.9 = extra active (very hard exercise/sports and physical job)
3. Weight in kg - your weight.

Other rows are as follow:
1. Date - date of your weight measurement.
2. Age - automatically calculated based on your starting age.
3. Weight in lbs - your weight in pounds, for people not belonging to the metric master race.
4. Macronutritients composition per kg - number of proteins, carbs and fats you need to eat per 1 kg of your mass. It depends on your aim. Cutting requires more protein, bulking allows for more carbs.
5. Daily intake of (in grams) - your required daily intake of proteins, carbs and fats based on your aim and current body mass.
6. Total calories - number of calories you need to eat per day in order to be able to achieve your aim (bulking, maintaining or cutting) and having given body mass.
7. RMR - Resting Metabolic Rate, it is the amount of calories needed to sustain all of your body’s functions while at rest. RMR accounts for approximately 65% of your body’s total calorie consumption, activity burning the remainder.
8. Daily Calorie Expenditure - number of calories you burn given your RMR and activity level.
9. Caloric Surplus/Deficit - your daily caloric surplus or deficit based on your calorie expenditure and calorie intake.
10. Calories from - you daily caloric intake from proteins, carbs and fats.
11. Percent of calories from - percentage split of your proteins, carbs and fats.
12. Target weekly change in weight (in kg) - approximate weekly change in weight you should achieve when pursuing the defined aim.
13. Weekly change in weight (in kg) - actual weekly change in weight you have achieved.
14. Implied weekly caloric surplus/deficit - assuming that the number of kcal it takes to gain or lose 1 kg of body is 7000.

There are also two charts provided: 1. Weight chart - linear chart of your weight in time.
2. Calorie intake chart - a stacked area chart showing the number of calories in a form of proteins, carbs and fats you had to eat each week to achieve desired goal.

To add a new row, just click the "Add New Row" button. Doing this will also update the charts.

Of course everything here is very approximate and will never fully reflect a real life situation and your specific case.

You can also notice, that when you change your activity level to moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3–5 days/week), your daily calorie expenditure will always be above your total intake. That is the reason of approximation, and bundling data from different sources that are not necessarily compatible with each other. The thing to remember is that when doing frequent training sessions per week or having very long and hard sessions, you need significantly more calories than when your activity level is not very high.

As always, if you do not agree with any of the numbers provided in the attached worksheet or there is something that does not work as intended, please let me know.

Download the attached files

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